Tuesday, May 09, 2006
We Got a Tree!
There is a corner of our backyard that is pretty open to everyone on the street having a complete view of our backyard, so we decided to plant a tree. After a trip to Home Depot (always a mistake on the weekend) and a grueling search for a cart to carry our tree on, we decided on a pink blooming dogwood.

The picture above is not our tree, but what ours will look like!

So even though we are not in the house yet, I am currently working on the yard. I have trimmed some of the trees in the backyard, and am working on getting the sprinkler system back up and running as there are a few holes that need to be plugged and a few sprinkler heads that have broken off and need to be dug up and replaced.

Packing is an ongoing thing, but its fun to find all the things you have forgotten about that were just under a pile of clutter.

Did I mention that Danielle got a new camera and won't stop taking pictures of me!
as of 10:32 AM timothy rules the roost! | Permalink |