Monday, June 05, 2006
it's good to be home...
i don't know if it's the fact that i actually have a house to come back to...or that i've lived in california long enough now, but for the first time since i left texas i truly felt like this was my home. i had the feeling of being somewhere familiar, warm, and comforting the minute my plane started to come in over the bay. i watched the sunset over san francisco while driving east, and i was unbelievably happy when i walked up my front porch and into my house. but regardless of why i felt at home...i was.

tim did some clutter-cleaning while i was still in texas - moving boxes around so that my legs could finally get a break from being bruised and allowing the living room to open up a bit more. he worked on the yard too...things are starting to grow and it looks really nice (with the exception of the yard of weeds we have growing out back). the animals missed me dearly, as they all rushed to greet me as i walked in the door...okay, just kidding.

but zeke did manage to find something to entertain himself with while i was gone: feminine hygiene products. that's right cat likes to play with pads. awesome, huh?

other than that, no uber-new developments in the world of "our house." we (read: tim) have plans to fix up a table and a dresser we got for free, so look for progress pictures on those some time in the next few weeks. and pictures are going up...slowly, and room by room. i'll try to capture the house in the state it is tonight and post some updated pics tomorrow.
as of 2:13 PM danielle rules the roost! | Permalink |


  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger timothy

    It sucked Monkey Balls having you gone!

  • At 8:17 AM, Blogger Stephanie

    you guys are too cute

  • At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

    zeke has the most amazing coloring on his back! I love it! and i love yalls house as well! freaking fantastic. sal and i move into a 700 sq ft apartment next week! Any tips?